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Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What do you need to paint my dog or cat?
    We work from your photos. Typically sending more than one photo is helpful, especially if the photos are less than perfect.


  2. What if I don't have any good pictures of my pet? What if they are a little blurry?
    You may follow the 
    Photo tips from Sarah to take photos of your pet. We can work from your photos even if they are blurry or poorly lit. Sending multiple photos and any helpful notes (e.g. eye color or fur color) is especially helpful in this case. We will often come up with a new composition based on multiple photos.


  3. I'm not sure which image would be best for my pet portrait.
    Send your photos over! We are happy to give advice on what we can do and what we think to make a nice portrait.


  4. How do I send you pictures of my pet?
    You can email us your photos.


  5. Can you tell me a little more about the process of commissioning a custom pet portrait?
    As soon as we have your photos and desired size, we will come up with a preliminary drawing. We will email you the drawing for your approval and any alterations can be made at this point. Once the drawing is approved, we will start painting it. After painting, it will be scanned and sent for your approval. We can further make alterations and final touches if needed.


  6. What sizes are your pet portraits? How much does a pet portrait cost?
    The cost is determined by the size of the painting. I can paint any size you wish, but A5 / A4 / A3 / A2 are the most common standard sizes we paint. For price quotes on any other sizes or options, please let us know.


  7. How long will it take to finish my painting?
    Please allow 1-4 weeks for your painting to be completed. For rush orders, feel free to contact us as we can accommodate most deadlines. The Christmas season is especially busy for us, so placing your order 1 or even 2 months in advance is a good idea.

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